The Honey Badger is a dangerous and vicious animal that is world-renowned as the most fearless animal on planet Earth. It is a highly successful carnivore and can adapt to nearly any environment, including most of Africa and Asia. It is feared and avoided by virtually all of the animal kingdom, at least those animals left to tell their stories about the almighty creature.
Given that humans with weapons, like guns and machetes, routinely fail at taking down the unscrupulous Honey Badger, other animals have little chance. The Honey Badgers are considered by some to be the most widespread and deadly mammalian species on Earth, and have already taken on hyenas, deadly porcupines, and even entire prides of lions. With no known non-human killings, to the chagrin of the rest of the animal kingdom, they are also nearly invincible due to their incredible defenses and invulnerability to otherwise lethal toxins like venomous snakes. If this is all true, within just a few short centuries it is possible the Honey Badgers will single-handily bring about the extinction of most other competing species. It’s a Honey Badger world out there in the animal kingdom.
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